Results for 'Faik Utkan Deni̇zer'

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    New Studıes On Dede Korkut Oguznameleri.Faik Utkan Deni̇zer - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:303-322.
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  2. Learning From the Enemies of Freedom: Freedom of Expression and Collective Power.Faik Kurtulmus - 2025 - British Journal of Political Science 55.
    This paper develops an account of freedom of expression by drawing lessons from the strategic logic of China’s censorship regime. It argues that freedom of expression helps build the common knowledge needed for overcoming coordination problems and is, thus, a source of collective power. However, realizing the full empowering potential of freedom of expression requires supplementing it with (a) public sources of information that are reliable, trusted, and democratically accountable and (b) measures that will provide citizens with equal opportunity to (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business in Spain.María de la Cruz Déniz Déniz & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):27 - 41.
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O' Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33-51 (...)
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    The Age Structure, Stringency Policy, Income, and Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Evidence From 209 Countries.Faik Bilgili, Munis Dundar, Sevda Kuşkaya, Daniel Balsalobre Lorente, Fatma Ünlü, Pelin Gençoğlu & Erhan Muğaloğlu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article aims at answering the following questions: What is the influence of age structure on the spread of coronavirus disease 2019? What can be the impact of stringency policy on the spread of COVID-19? What might be the quantitative effect of development levelincome and number of hospital beds on the number of deaths due to the COVID-19 epidemic? By employing the methodologies of generalized linear model, generalized moments method, and quantile regression models, this article reveals that the shares of (...)
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  5. Bargaining with patriarchy.Deniz Kandiyoti - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (3):274-290.
    This article argues that systematic comparative analyses of women's strategies and coping mechanisms lead to a more culturally and temporally grounded understanding of patriarchal systems than the unqualified, abstract notion of patriarchy encountered in contemporary feminist theory. Women strategize within a set of concrete constraints, which I identify as patriarchal bargains. Different forms of patriarchy present women with distinct “rules of the game” and call for different strategies to maximize security and optimize life options with varying potential for active or (...)
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    Ethical challenges in organ transplants for refugees in a healthcare system.Deniz Birtan & Aslihan Akpinar - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):71-87.
    Background Several ethical issues are associated with providing living organ transplantation services, and there is limited information on these issues faced by the teams providing service to refugees or asylum seekers. Aim To determine the challenges healthcare professionals face in organ transplant centers providing services to Syrians under temporary protection status and discern whether these difficulties align with ethical issues in living organ transplantation. Research design This study employed a qualitative design and conducted individual semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 18 transplant (...)
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  7. Bardollet, Louis. Les mythes, les dieta et l'homme. Essai sur la poésie homérique.Alcoraz Alonso Déniz - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:406.
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    Dânişnâme-i Alâî =.Gürbüz Deniz - 2013 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by Murat Demirkol, Gürbüz Deniz & Avicenna.
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    Temel Söz Varlığı Bağlamında Türkçe Ve Almancada En Sık Kullanılan Elli Eylemin Söz-Eylem Kuramı Çer.Faik Kanatli - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):733-733.
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    Jean Genet'de Toplumsal Mesaj.Deniz Kuzeci̇ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 10):431-431.
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    Türkçede "Yapmak" İle Almancada "Machen" Fiilleriyle Oluşturulmuş Deyimlerin Anlam Eşdeğerliliği Ve.Faik ÖMÜR - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):1023-1023.
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    Ressonâncias da infância (a escrita das “Confissões” em Rousseau e Santo Agostinho).Deniz Alcione Nicolay - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 372.
    Este ensaio trata da infância, de certa forma, das infâncias. E, por isso, pensa-acomo uma experiência estética do escritor. Um escritor que oscila entre a escrita e a leitura, a ficção e o real, o presente e o passado. Ou seja, mergulha na experiência formativa da infância a partir do texto das “Confissões”, reconstruindo fragmentos de subjetividade. Em tais fragmentos, as leituras da criança-aluno proporcionam o reencontro com o mundo-outro da imaginação. Nesse espaço, o exercício da escritura encarna-se no outro (...)
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  13. The Epistemic Basic Structure.Faik Kurtulmus - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (5):818-835.
    The epistemic basic structure of a society consists of those institutions that have the greatest impact on individuals’ opportunity to obtain knowledge on questions they have an interest in as citizens, individuals, and public officials. It plays a central role in the production and dissemination of knowledge and in ensuring that people have the capability to assimilate this knowledge. It includes institutions of science and education, the media, search engines, libraries, museums, think tanks, and various government agencies. This article identifies (...)
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  14. Justice in the Distribution of Knowledge.Faik Kurtulmus & Gürol Irzik - 2017 - Episteme 14 (2):129-146.
    In this article we develop an account of justice in the distribution of knowledge. We first argue that knowledge is a fundamental interest that grounds claims of justice due to its role in individuals’ deliberations about the common good, their personal good and the pursuit thereof. Second, we identify the epistemic basic structure of a society, namely, the institutions that determine individuals’ opportunities for acquiring knowledge and discuss what justice requires of them. Our main contention is that a systematic lack (...)
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    Three Roles of Empirical Information in Philosophy: Intuitions on Mathematics do Not Come for Free.Deniz Sarikaya, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & Deborah Kant - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):247-278.
    This work gives a new argument for ‘Empirical Philosophy of Mathematical Practice’. It analyses different modalities on how empirical information can influence philosophical endeavours. We evoke the classical dichotomy between “armchair” philosophy and empirical/experimental philosophy, and claim that the latter should in turn be subdivided in three distinct styles: Apostate speculator, Informed analyst, and Freeway explorer. This is a shift of focus from the source of the information towards its use by philosophers. We present several examples from philosophy of mind/science (...)
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    Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case.Deniz A. Kandiyoti - 1987 - Feminist Studies 13 (2):317.
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    Peer Disagreement and the Independence Principle.Faik Kurtulmuş - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):507-520.
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    Le portique de l’agora et l’édifice à mosaïque.Faïk Drini, Jean-Luc Lamboley, François Quantin, Saimir Shpuza, Altin Skenderaj & Stéphane Verger - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):725-734.
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    Ethical challenges in organ transplantation for Syrian refugees in Türkiye.Deniz Birtan & Aslıhan Akpınar - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    There is limited information on the ethical issues encountered in living donor organ transplants performed on refugees and asylum seekers. This study investigates the ethical challenges faced by Syrian refugees under temporary protection in Türkiye who engage in living donor organ transplants. From April to July 2022 in Istanbul, the research employed a qualitative design involving semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 27 participants, including organ donors and recipients. The analysis utilized a thematic analytic method. The findings elucidate two principal themes related (...)
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    Comparative Analysis of Invitation Card Samples in Terms of Design, Text Type and Linguistic Function in German and Turkish.Faik ÖMÜR - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1935-1958.
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    The Definition Of Mother Tongue And Foreign Language Was Written Shortly And Then The Problems Which Arose While The Language Learners Were Using The Native And Foreign Language.Faik ÖMÜR - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1662-1679.
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  22. A máscara de Emílio.Deniz Alcione Nicolay - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (1):55-66.
    Este artigo, redigido em tom ensaístico, trata da identidade infantil presente na obra Emílio ou Da Educação, de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Nesse sentido, procura vislumbrar aquilo que existe por detrás da escrita do autor de Emílio, ou seja, o Eu de sua própria escritura. Utiliza ferramentas conceituais da filosofia de Friedrich Nietzsche, a fim de avaliar a constituição valorativa de tal obra no que concerne à infância. Uma infância que se estabelece como o polo condutor de toda a pedagogia moderna, pois (...)
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    Bütün Bunlar Ne Anlama Geliyor? Yaratılış Amacı ve Yaşamın Anlamı.Deniz Soysal - 2024 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):21-32.
    Tanrı tarafından belli bir amaçla yaratılmış olmak yaşamın anlamı sorusuna doyurucu bir yanıt sağlar mı? Bu soru için sunacağım değerlendirmelerin temelini Julian Baggini’nin Bütün Bunlar Ne Anlama Geliyor? adlı kitabında sunduğu argümanlar oluşturmaktadır. Bu argümanları hem yeniden kuracak hem de kullandığı örnekleri, özellikle Sartre’dan aldığı örneği, daha ayrıntılı irdeleyeceğim. Baggini’nin burada temelleri tartışılacak olan iddiaları şunlardır: Birincisi yaşamın anlamlı olması için önceden belirlenmiş bir yaratılış amacının olması zorunlu değildir, ikincisi önceden belirlenmiş amaçlar sonradan belirlenmiş amaçlardan daha değerli olmak zorunda değildir (...)
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    Asserting epistemic modals.Deniz Rudin - forthcoming - Linguistics and Philosophy:1-46.
    The paper formalizes a change of camera angle on the classic Stalnakerian account of assertion, foregrounding that the speaker is presenting herself as though she knows the sentence she’s uttered to be true, and deriving context update from a proposal that the context set be modified so as to become a member of the same property of epistemic states as the speaker’s. The resulting formalization is one on which often, but crucially not always, an assertion serves to propose that the (...)
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  25. Care Ethics and Paternalism: A Beauvoirian Approach.Deniz Durmuş - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):53.
    Feminist care ethics has become a prominent ethical theory that influenced theoretical and practical discussions in a variety of disciplines and institutions on a global scale. However, it has been criticized by transnational feminist scholars for operating with Western-centric assumptions and registers, especially by universalizing care as it is practiced in the Global North. It has also been criticized for prioritizing gender over other categories of intersectionality and hence for not being truly intersectional. Given the imperialist and colonial legacies embedded (...)
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  26. What Is Epistemic Public Trust in Science?Gürol Irzık & Faik Kurtulmuş - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1145-1166.
    We provide an analysis of the public's having warranted epistemic trust in science, that is, the conditions under which the public may be said to have well-placed trust in the scientists as providers of information. We distinguish between basic and enhanced epistemic trust in science and provide necessary conditions for both. We then present the controversy regarding the connection between autism and measles–mumps–rubella vaccination as a case study to illustrate our analysis. The realization of warranted epistemic public trust in science (...)
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    Bilimde Değerlerin Rolü Işığında Bilime Güven.Kurtulmuş Faik - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:1-21.
    Günümüz bilim felsefesi, sosyal ve etik değerlerin bilimsel akıl yürütmedeki kaçınılmaz rolünü vurgulamaktadır. Değerlerin bu rolü, toplumun bilime güveninin hangi temeller üzerine inşa edilmesi gerektiği sorusunu gündeme getirir. Bu makale, bu soruya cevap sunan üç yaklaşımı sunup değerlendirmektedir. Yüksek epistemik standartlar yaklaşımına göre, bilim insanları sadece oldukça kesin sonuçları halkla paylaşmalıdır. Bu makale, bu yaklaşımın sadece tümevarımsal riskler konusunda bize yardımcı olduğunu, diğer epistemik riskler konusunda aydınlatıcı olmadığını savunur. Bu yaklaşımın diğer bir eksiği ise bazı durumlarda bilimsel bulguların yetersiz kullanılmasına (...)
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    Family firms and the interests of non‐family stakeholders: The influence of family managers' affective commitment and family salience in terms of power.María de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz, María Katiuska Cabrera-Suárez & Josefa D. Martín-Santana - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):15-28.
    The goal of this research is to analyze the heterogeneity of family firms in the normative attention to their non-family stakeholders. With this aim, we suggest that the psychological process of top family managers in terms of individual affective commitment to their firms is a key variable to explain that heterogeneity. However, we also suggest a moderator effect of the family stakeholder salience in the relationship between the managers' affective commitment to the firm and the establishment of firm goals toward (...)
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    Middle Eastern Feminisms: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Turkish and the Iranian Experience.Deniz Durmuş - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (3):221-237.
    The aim of this essay is to give voice to the distinct types of feminist consciousnesses in dominantly Muslim societies, which have been mostly ignored or marginalized by Western and Western-influenced feminisms. I analyze Islamic and secular feminisms in Turkey (a secular regime) and in Iran (an Islamic regime) and show the shortcomings and patriarchal elements in both movements. I also show the authenticity and necessity of both movements, and emphasize their contributions to the feminist ideal of pluralism. Finally, by (...)
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  30. Distributive Epistemic Justice in Science.Gürol Irzik & Faik Kurtulmus - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (2):325–345.
    This article develops an account of distributive epistemic justice in the production of scientific knowledge. We identify four requirements: (a) science should produce the knowledge citizens need in order to reason about the common good, their individual good and pursuit thereof; (b) science should produce the knowledge those serving the public need to pursue justice effectively; (c) science should be organized in such a way that it does not aid the wilful manufacturing of ignorance; and (d) when making decisions about (...)
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  31. Science, Trust and Justice: More lessons from the Pandemic.Faik Kurtulmuş - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (6):11-17.
    Take a question like the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. Whether an ordinary citizen or a public official can acquire the correct answer to this question depends on the functioning of the epistemic basic structure of their society. The epistemic basic structure of a society consists of “the institutions that have a crucial role in the distribution of knowledge, that is, in the production and dissemination of knowledge, and in ensuring that people have the capability to assimilate what is (...)
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    Lessons from Beauvoir for a Transnational Feminist Ethics.Deniz Durmuş - 2020 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (1):47-67.
    The prospect of a transnational feminist coalition is one of the most challenging questions that feminism faces today. The author analyzes Beauvoir’s involvement with the Algerian decolonization movement and her own self-critique as instructive tools for forming better ways for feminists to engage transnationally. Beauvoir’s existentialist ethics, political writings, and activism continue to offer models for developing an anticolonial and anti-imperialist transnational feminist ethics and are an underexplored resource in transnational feminist scholarship.
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  33. The Democratization of Science.Faik Kurtulmus - 2021 - In David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.), Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. New York: Routeldge. pp. 145-154.
    The democratization of science entails the public having greater influence over science and that influence being shared more equally among members of the public. This chapter will present a thumbnail sketch of the arguments for the democratization of science based on the importance of collectively shaping science’s impact on society, the instrumental benefits of public participation in science, and the need to ensure that the use of science in politics does not undermine collective self-government. It will then outline worries about (...)
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    Uncertainty and Persistence: a Bayesian Update Semantics for Probabilistic Expressions.Deniz Rudin - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (3):365-405.
    This paper presents a general-purpose update semantics for expressions of subjective uncertainty in natural language. First, a set of desiderata are established for how expressions of subjective uncertainty should behave in dynamic, update-based semantic systems; then extant implementations of expressions of subjective uncertainty in such models are evaluated and found wanting; finally, a new update semantics is proposed. The desiderata at the heart of this paper center around the contention that expressions of subjective uncertainty express beliefs which are not persistent, (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue on Lakatos’ Undone Work.Deniz Sarikaya, Hannah Pillin & Sophie Nagler - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):113-122.
    We give an overview of Lakatos’ life, his philosophy of mathematics and science, as well as of this issue. Firstly, we briefly delineate Lakatos’ key contributions to philosophy: his anti-formalist philosophy of mathematics, and his methodology of scientific research programmes in the philosophy of science. Secondly, we outline the themes and structure of the masterclass Lakatos’ Undone Work – The Practical Turn and the Division of Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science​, which gave rise to this special issue. Lastly, (...)
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    Orientation Toward Key Non-family Stakeholders and Economic Performance in Family Firms: The Role of Family Identification with the Firm.Mª de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz, Mª Katiuska Cabrera-Suárez & Josefa D. Martín-Santana - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):329-345.
    Based on the literature on stakeholder management and family firm dynamics, this research analyses the relationship between three constructs: the identification of business families with their family firms, FFs’ orientation toward key non-family stakeholders, and the achievement of better economic performance. Data analyses from 374 family and non-family members of 173 Spanish FFs show that a high level of family identification with their firms affects the orientation of FFs toward key non-family stakeholders in setting corporate goals and that this orientation (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Narrative Explanations of Action. Narrative Identity with Minimal Requirements.Deniz A. Kaya - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1:1-17.
    In On Not Expecting Too Much from Narrative, Lamarque (2004) challenges theories of narrative identity. For while narrativity might tell us something of interest about our selves, the requirements for this would be so strong that theories of narrative identity would not be able to meet them. In contrast, he identifies minimal conditions for narrativity, so that our identity could be of a narrative nature as well. But in that case, the concept of narrativity would be so weak that it (...)
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    Introduction.Deniz Sarikaya - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 47 (4):435-439.
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    Fruit Symbolism In Ottoman Visual Culture: An Evaluation In Regards The Traditional Stil-Life Paintings.Deniz Calisir - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:65-86.
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    Tracing the Anthropocene and Entangled Trauma in Yashar Kemal's Novels: More-Than-Human Lives in the Post-Ottoman World.Deniz Gündoǧan Ibrişim - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):32-51.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tracing the Anthropocene and Entangled Trauma in Yashar Kemal's NovelsMore-Than-Human Lives in the Post-Ottoman WorldDeniz Gündoǧan Ibrişim (bio)Yashar Kemal (1923–2015), one of Turkey's most prominent Kurdish-Turkish novelists and human rights activists, largely engages with the southern Turkish countryside, which the author himself had known well in his early life.1 Kemal is commonly recognized as the writer of Çukurova or the Clician Plain (Cilicia Pedias in antiquity), a large fertile (...)
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    Looking for the Kernel of Truth in Sandel’s 'The Case Against Perfection'.Faik Kurtulmuş - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):521-534.
    In his book, The Case Against Perfection, Michael J. Sandel has offered several arguments against biomedical human enhancements. However, his views have been forcefully criticized by Frances M. Kamm. This paper argues that while Kamm is correct in arguing that Sandel fails to establish the moral impermissibility of enhancements, he, nevertheless, offers resources for articulating our unease with enhancements. In particular, this paper argues that being willing to enhance oneself in any way is incompatible with having an identity as a (...)
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  42. Nietzsche-Schopenhauer e a pedagogia da vontade // Nietzsche-Schopenhauer and the pedagogy of will.Deniz Alcione Nicolay - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (2):162-177.
    O presente artigo trata do conceito schopenhauriano de Vontade. Nesse sentido, utiliza a obra O mundo como vontade e representação como uma espécie de mapa filosófico para abordar tal conceito. Interessa as transformações desse conceito na obra do jovem Nietzsche até se completar naquilo que ele chama de Vontade de Potência ( Wille zur Macht ). A partir disso, esse artigo lança o desafio de pensar uma Pedagogia da Vontade, inspirada no pensamento trágico de Nietzsche-Schopenhauer. Desse modo, observa as ressonâncias (...)
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    El sol del Renacimiento que alumbra las utopías: un estudio comparativo de la teoría política de Moro, Campanella y Bacon.Pablo Ojeda Déniz - forthcoming - Laguna.
    Renaissance utopias belong to a period when Modernity was being built within political thinking, which turns them into a nexus between classical antiquity and the Enlightment, thereby preserving for posterity a series of critical issues, such as democracy, a radical version of natural law or the need for distribution of goods. Christian humanism is also present and, together with Plato’s concept of justice, it enables these utopias to set a different course from that followed by other Renaissance political theory options, (...)
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    A Practical Look at the Concept of Freedom with a Philosophy Approach for Children in Early Childhood.Deniz Yüceer & Sevgi Coşkun Keskin - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-31.
    Both social studies and preschool programs mention freedom as a value. However, in typical social studies curricula, the philosophical perspective is not included and no discussion takes place. In the preschool curriculum, freedom is an abstract concept, and the belief that children cannot understand abstract concepts prevails, while value studies are still limited to determining the frequency of values rather than interrogating them. As such, this study aims to explore young children's views on the concept of freedom, how these views (...)
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  45. Class and Inequality: Why the Media Fails the Poor and Why This Matters.Faik Kurtulmus & Jan Kandiyali - 2023 - In Carl Fox & Joe Saunders (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Media Ethics. Routledge. pp. 276-287.
    The news media is a critical source of information for the public. However, it neglects the interests of the poor. In this paper, we explore why this happens, why it matters, and what might be done about it. As to why this happens, we identify two main reasons: because of the way that media is funded and because of the composition of its journalists and its sources. As to why this matters, we argue that this neglect is problematic for three (...)
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  46. The Effect of Virtual Reality Technology on the Imagery Skills and Performance of Target-Based Sports Athletes.Deniz Bedir & Süleyman Erim Erhan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this study is the examination of the effect of virtual reality based imagery (VRBI) training programs on the shot performance and imagery skills of athletes and, and to conduct a comparison with Visual Motor Behavior Rehearsal and Video Modeling (VMBR + VM). In the research, mixed research method and sequential explanatory design were used. In the quantitative dimension of the study the semi-experimental model was used, and in the qualitative dimension the case study design was adopted. The (...)
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    Le décret de Temnos en l’honneur de Démétrios d’Élaia et les οἰκονόµοι de la cité.Alcorac Alonso Déniz - 2021 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145:291-303.
    La récente publication d’un décret de la cité de Temnos sur l’asylie de l’Asclépieion de Cos invite à reconsidérer le décret de la même cité en l’honneur de Démétrios d’Élaia. Dans ce travail, je propose plusieurs restitutions alternatives et analyse le rôle des oikonomoi dans la cité à partir de diverses sources.
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    What is required for evolutions? The case of economics.Deniz Kellecioglu - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):146-149.
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    From textual markers to subtextual meaning: The analysis of a Turkish folktale.Deniz Zeyrek - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (3):472-477.
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    Workplace Bullying among Public Sector Employees.Deniz Öztürk & Semra F. Aşcıgil - 2017 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 36 (1):103-126.
    This study aims to explore the influence of workplace bullying incidences on both targets and bystanders with respect to their perceptions of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior. Responses from 288 white-collar public employees revealed that one third of the participants stated themselves as being exposed to workplace bullying behavior in the last six months. As hypothesized, findings support the view that workplace bullying experience plays a significant negative role in organizational justice and citizenship behavior perceptions. Moreover, a significant negative (...)
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